Saturday, April 27, 2013

Modest is Hottest

Have you ever heard the saying "Modest is Hottest"? I've heard it many times. It's a cool saying, but it's hard to put into practice. I don't know about you but I find it so difficult to find shorts that are long enough, shirts that are high enough and still look decently nice. I like my shorts to be knee length and my shirts to be a decent height.

My camp has fairly strict rules about modesty, and I think I do an okay job of following them, but it's extremely difficult to find clothes that follow the rules. Shorts that are knee length are really hard to come by, and when I do find them often they are too expensive. I don't know about you, but $50 for a pair of shorts seems ridiculous. I look at the short shorts and they are only $10. I get so frustrated when trying to find clothes that fit, are modest, look nice and aren't too pricey. Does anyone else have this problem?

Another issue I have is that I'm really self conscious. I usually don't feel good about the way I look. So even if I felt like I could dress immodestly, I probably wouldn't because I'm so self conscious of my body. I know this is a bad thing, and I am trying to work on the image I have of myself. It's a really hard thing to get passed though.

Do you have these problems? Where do you like to shop for clothes? Any suggestions on dressing modestly? 

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