Friday, April 12, 2013

A Day in the Life

I was really stuck on what to write about today. So I decided to write about what I did. Here are some of the things I did. Well, I did these things on Thursday, but I already posted on Thursday, so I'm posting it today! (Complicated, I know)
Here are some Pictures from my day
I slept in! (Until 9:15ish)
I read my book! (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone- I'm totally hooked)
I studied for my exam! (Intermediate programming. I am totally ready for this)
I hung out with my brother! (He got the day off because of the freezing rain)
I spent a lot of time on stumble upon (I got an account earlier this week, I am also totally hooked!)
I read my Bible (Proverbs 12 - I chose verse 25 to write about today. Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.)
I made tea! (Carmel apple tea to be exact and I finished the last of it, which is good because I've had that tea for a long time)
I cuddled with my dog when the power went out. (It only went out for a few seconds, but it really freaked him out)
I showered
I made my bed (trust me, this is an accomplishment)
I booked my road test! (I have to take a road test to be able to drive with absolutely no restrictions and to not worry about getting my license taken away, and I have put it off far to long)
I took pictures
I relaxed
I had a nice dinner with my family
I skyped with Andrew (skype is a wonderful thing isn't it?)

I had a great day. Very productive, I feel good about my day, which doesn't happen often. How was your day?

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