Monday, April 15, 2013

Dating Tip: Skype Dates

So I am in no way an expert on dating. But I do have almost 2 and a half years of experience. Today I'm going to share with you my tips for skype dates.

Skype dates can be really fun and a way to still see your significant other when you are apart, but I have also found that it can be hard to find things to talk about sometimes and skype is definitely not the same as face-to-face interaction.

Here are some things that can make skype dates super fun!

Play the questions game!

The questions game is where you ask and answer questions back and forth. These can be a serious or random as you can come up with. You may even learn something about the other person that you wouldn't expect.

Some examples:
If you could be any animal, what one would you be and why?
What's your favourite colour?
What are you most proud of?
What's your favourite cheesy pick up line?

Play Games together!

You can download these games for free to play together on skype. Andrew and I especially like to play connect four, battleship, tic tac toe and paint. But we don't just paint, we play pictionary! It's actually really fun. I am a terrible drawer though. Here is a pictionary word generator that I use when I'm stuck for what to draw.


Make a cup of tea or hot chocolate and have a simple date. Ask each other about how their day went, tell each other jokes. List the top 10 best things that happened to you today.

Send each other funny things!

I love sending Andrew funny memes and videos that I find. And it's always fun to make each other laugh.

Anyways, hopefully these give you some ideas. What are your favourite things to talk about on skype dates? 

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