Thursday, May 08, 2014

DIY: Tree Branch Table Numbers

Andrew and I were very blessed this year. A huge snowstorm took down a ton of branches from the two birch trees outside of Andrew's parent's house. I know what you're thinking, "Sarah, how is that a blessing?"

Let me tell you... One of the overarching themes for our wedding is nature. Andrew and I met at camp, which has so much to do with the outdoors. And some of our most favourite memories have been outside when we were around a campfire, or flying kites, or going on walks. Anyways, the nature theme suits us.

I pinned these tree branch table numbers a long time ago on pinterest, but I was worried that it would be too destructive to take down a tree for the sole purpose of being a table number for one night. This is where that snowstorm being a blessing comes in. The branches we used for these table numbers (and many other decorations, stay tuned!) all came down during the snowstorms this year! Pretty cool huh?

Here is how we made them, I have to give most of the credit to Andrew, he worked so hard cutting the branches and making them look awesome!

You will need:

-Tree limbs
-Stamps (You can buy these, but I made my own from foam stickers I found at Walmart)
-Measuring Tape


1) Measure your branches and mark them to be cut, we made all out table numbers approximately six inches tall, but it's really up to you. Make sure you keep in mind where the knots/other tree things are, these can be hard to cut through, so you may want to avoid these areas.

2) Cut the branches at the lines with your saw, Andrew used a chop saw.

3) Cut the angles, Again this is up to you, but we cut the ends on a 45 degree angle

4) Stamp the numbers onto the branches!

See, easy! Well, cutting the branches was pretty difficult, but other then that, it was easy. I love how they turned out!

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