Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The Liebster Award

Yesterday my blogging friend Morgan from XOXO Mo sent me an email letting me know that she nominated me for the Liebster Award! Morgan was actually one of the first people to follow Camp Girl in the Real World, I love reading her blog and I am so excited that she nominated me. So thank you Morgan!

For those of you not familiar with the Liebster Award, it's a way to encourage readership and followers for new bloggers. I enthusiastically accept the nomination and in doing so must follow the rules. The rules are as follows:

-Thank the amazing blogger that nominated you (thanks again Morgan!)
-Answer the 11 questions the nominator provided
-Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
-Post 11 different questions for your nominees to answer
-Contact your nominees to let them know that you've nominated them

I don't know if I will be able to nominate 11 people, but I will try my best!

Here are my answers to Morgan's questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because of Pinterest. The blogs behind the things I pinned inspired me to make my own!

2. If you could go on your dream vacation and money was no object where would you go?

My best friend Katelyn and I planned a trip to the UK once, so I would love to go there. But since money is no object I would probably extend our trip to all around Europe.

3. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life what would it be?

Yellow. Honestly I feel so much more cheery when I wear yellow.

4. What was the most meaningful book you ever read?

Besides the Bible, probably the Bad Girls of the Bible book. I read it for my Sunday School class once, and it taught me so much about the women of the Bible.

5. What was the most boring book you ever had to read?

Discrete Mathematics and its Applications. It is brutal. I hate programming textbooks.

6. What is your favorite time of year?

Fall. I love the colours. I mean, look at the colours in the background of this picture!

7. What was the last movie you watched, was it a good one?

I think it was Catching Fire, and I thought it was good.

8. Are your nails painted right now? If so, what color?

Yes! They are painted this teal colour that I got on the weekend. 

9. Country or city girl?

Country, the thought of living in a big city scares me so much.

10. What is one thing you wish you were better at?

Right now I wish I was faster at folding paper flowers, but I also wish I was better at taking photos.

11. If you had to teach a subject at school, what subject do you think you would be most equipped to teach?

I would probably be most equipped to teach programming, and I like programming so I think I would be good at it.

I Nominate...

And I was going to nominate these blogs but you ladies already got nominated!

Here are my questions for you guys:

1. What was the last DIY project that you did? Did it work out?
2. What is your favourite day of the week?
3. What is your least favourite month of the year and why?
4. What is your favourite dessert?
5. What is your favourite flower?
6. Do you like your handwriting?
7. If you had the opportunity, would you go sky diving?
8. What is your favourite TV show?
9. What is your favourite smell?
10. Cheesburgers or Hamburgers?
11. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

There you guys go! I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me!


  1. Aww! Thanks for mentioning my blog anyway! :)
    Congrats on receiving the award!

  2. Thanks so much for answering my questions, keep up the great work on your blog :) I really enjoyed Catching Fire as well, although I just saw Divergent and I can't decide which one I liked best. I hope you're doing well and that the wedding planning isn't too stressful :)

    1. Oh, by the way I'm really liking the new colors and design. I don't think I mentioned that before :)


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