Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Monthly Goals-April 2014

For those of you who have been following Camp Girl in the Real World for a long time you will know that I used to link up from Kelli from She Learns as She Goes and Blimey Cow once a month to post some of my goals for the month. A while back I stopped doing them because I found it too stressful and was almost always disappointed with myself at the end of the month. I've decided that with school almost ending, it would be a good time to bring them back! Kelli no longer does the link up, but I've decided to do it anyways. Here are my goals for April:

Finish up Second Year

This semester has been crazy, and I'm so excited that I'm almost done. I only have one more assignment, 1 take home exam and three other exams. My goal is to maintain my averages in all my classes.

Spring Clean

My room and my car are a disaster. I really need to clean them, and I will have extra time once the semester is over.

Finish Paper Flowers

For our wedding I have about 1000 paper flowers to make, and I have just over 600 made. I'm hoping to get all of the paper flowers done by the end of April, and I think I can do it, as long as I don't procrastinate too much.

Take a Break

I need to remember to relax. So this month, I am going to try to take a break every morning. I'm going to make sure I take a break at some point in the day to have a cup of tea and NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE. Just rest and enjoy the coffee or tea.

Revamp My Blog Design

It's time for a bit of a change, so this month I'm planning on updating my blog design, I already have some ideas and as you may have noticed, I already started! Are you pumped? I am.

Make My Master Wedding To-Do List

I've been wanting/needing to do this for a while. I need to make a huge and detailed list of all the things that I need to get finished. And I've been kind of dreading this, but it needs to get done.

There you have it! My goals for the month of April! Leave a comment letting me know some of your goals for this month!


  1. Liking the new design! And LOVE that you're doing paper flowers. Our engagement is to short for all the DIY projects I wanted to do, so I'm really enjoying following along with yours!

    1. Thanks Karen! I'm glad you like the new design! I love how the paper flowers are looking, but It's been a lot more work then I was realizing, but I'm hoping it's worth it!


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