Thursday, October 30, 2014

Currently (10-30-14)

Committing... Code at work! I've gotten the chance to do some more development at work. It's really exciting.

Loving... This guy right here. Tomorrow is our four year anniversary. FOUR YEARS! That's crazy. 

Organizing... My plan for November 5th. It's take-your-kid-to-work-day in my school region and I am going to be taking my best friends sister to work with me! No, she isn't my daughter, but her parents are going away on a awesome vacation and so I volunteered to take her to work with me. I'm organizing all of the stuff I am going to show her about my job! I'm really excited about it.

Watching... Survivor! Andrew and I found out that it is currently on rogers on demand and we decided to start watching it. It's so addictive.

Shopping... For tea! My all time favourite tea came back to Davids Tea for a limited time! So naturally I bought 500 grams... Stay tuned for that tea of the week (it won't be for a few weeks, since it still needs to ship to my house) in the future!

Linking up with Harvesting Kale and Ot & Et
Next week's themes: reading, running, sending, liking, valuing


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