Monday, September 30, 2013

I've Been Nominated!!! Twice!!!

So today is Monday. Which means I have 9 hours of class. Which for the record, is a TON of learning. I do not look forward to Mondays. But two very special girls made this Monday amazing. Morgan at Morgan's Blog and Hayley at Victorious Heroine both nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award (VBA). I am so flattered. Both of you made my Monday SO much better. So thank you. You guys make me smile so much.

This award requires some things from me. First I am going to nominate 5 blogs for the Vesatile Blogger Award. Then I will tell you guys 7 more facts about me!

Here are the blogs I nominate:

Suzanne inspires me. She is the kind of awesome wife that I one day hope to be. I love reading about her adventures.

Joseph makes me laugh, both in "real life" and from his Blog. I am so happy I know him.

Kaylin's posts are always interesting. I can tell she puts a lot of thought into her posts. 

I love reading about Camille and Jacob's dates, they remind me that going out on dates is crucial to relationships, both married and non married.

Reading Lori's blog gives me so many ideas for how I can show my love to Andrew. Even though we are not married and not all of the tips are applicable she still gives me some great tips on how to be a better girlfriend.

Be sure to check out these blogs. They are some of my favourites! 

7 Facts About Me:
  1. I am currently a second year University Student at the University of Guelph
  2. Fall is my most favourite season
  3. I fainted once while I was on crutches. I got to ride in an ambulance. 
  4. I recently went to my brothers football game and made him a sign, see picture below.
  5. Andrew and I have been dating for 2 years and 11 months as of TODAY! 
  6. I love taking pictures, but I haven't gone out recently to take pictures.
  7. I can make bread from scratch

So thank you again Hayley and Morgan! You guys definitely made my day a billion times better.

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