Thursday, June 13, 2013

Life Update

Hey guys, Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately, I am really having a bad case of writer's block. I haven't been able to think of anything to write about, so here it goes. 

I am still working as a software tester, and I really like it! I definitely chose the right career path.

I finished the second season of Gilmore Girls. So much drama and excitement! I'm addicted.

I finished the second Harry Potter book! It was awesome! I am excited to watch the movie and to start the next book.

Andrew's been gone for a couple weeks... BUT I get to see him TOMORROW!!! I'm so excited!

I've been doing pretty well with my bible reading, I'm pretty proud of myself. 

And Andrew sent me a package! 

They are awesome. 

Anyways, that's what's been going on for me. 

How have you been?


  1. It sounds like you're having fun! I'm debating over starting the Harry potter books... Is this the first time you've read them? :)

    1. This is the first time I am reading them, they are really great books, I highly recommend them!

  2. Cool! I figured I'd buy the first one and give it a shot. I'll probably start it within the next couple days. I've always heard that they get better after the third book, or something, so I wondered if the first ones were any good, but obviously, you liked the first ones a lot. :D


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