Friday, January 30, 2015

Currently (01-29-15)

Wondering... What else I can crochet. I've made five of those owls I posted about in my Tea of the Week this week. Now I'm working on a blanket but I'm already thinking of what I want to make next!

Running... In between my classes this semester. For some reason all the buildings I have to be in are REALLY far apart this semester so I basically have to speed walk/almost run to get to my classes on time.

Winning... At battling my stress this semester! Or at least I'm doing way better. I've discovered that crocheting is a great (and fun) way to take my mind off my school work. I crocheted so much this week I actually got a big blister on my hand!! I looked at my hand as I was driving home and I was like, "How did that get there???" then when I picked up my crochet hook I looked and the end of the hook was right where the blister is... Ouch

Calling... No one really, But I am getting lots of emails. Mostly from the school but some about wedding things! Our wedding is just over four months away!!

Finishing... Lots of assignments this week. I didn't realize how much homework I had this week until Tuesday, Two online midterms, One design document, One Assignment and Four Discussion posts! I'm hoping next week will be less busy.

Linking up with Kale + Beans and Ot & Et
Next weeks themes: smelling, drinking, wearing, making, loving

1 comment:

  1. your wedding is coming up fast!! so exciting!! and I didn't know you could get blisters from crocheting- that's insane! hopefully it heals up soon.


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