Thursday, January 08, 2015

Currently (01-08-15)

Resolving... To eat breakfast more in 2015. Since my last year of high school I have not been eating breakfast on a regular basis. And one of my overall goals in life is to take better care of myself so that I can fully take care of others. I thought that this year a practical way I could take care of myself would be to eat breakfast on a regular basis. I've missed a few days so far, but four of the days so far this week I have had something for breakfast! That's pretty good in my eyes.

Planning... Our honeymoon! We decided that we will be going to Costa Rica to the Tree Houses Hotel. We won't be going to a beach, but it will definitely be warm! (Much better than the -30 degree weather we have had around here!) Andrew and I are more of adventure-y tourist-y people than lay on a beach all day type people. It's crazy that in five months I will be on my honeymoon!

Cleaning...Up my room. Well actually, I cleaned it up last week and it's still pretty clean now, but not as clean as before.

Leaving... Lots of time to drive to school. The roads have been pretty bad lately and I hate being late, so I've been leaving double the time to get to class. I get there early, but it gives me time to get some of my reading done. 

Thinking... About lots of things, mostly school work and how I'm going to organize everything this semester. This semester I'm taking on five classes instead of four so we will see how everything goes. So far I think I have everything under control

Linking up with Kale + Beans and Ot & Et
Next weeks themes: showing, working, testing, cooking, dreaming


  1. What an awesome place for a honeymoon! I have also resolved to eat breakfast more.

    1. Thanks Desirae!! I'm extremely excited about it! Good Luck with your resolution!

  2. costa rica sounds amazing! lucky girl! and definitely a great break from the weather here. so excited for you!

    1. Thanks Karen! I'm definitely looking forward to the weather warming up (at least so it's less freezing!!)

  3. I have to say, I used to HATE breakfast but a few years ago took the whole "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" thing to heart and started eating it on a regular basis. It honestly makes a HUGE difference. I find that the morning hours are my most productive time and having a good meal makes it easier for me to focus and throw my energy behind things. Total game changer :)

    1. My morning hours are the most productive too!! And so far eating breakfast is working out great, I'm still looking for some more variety though when it comes to my breakfast options so I don't get bored


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